ATL Global Business | Logo Design

The Brief:

Create a professional business logo accompanied by stationery Items.

The Idea:

ATL Global Business is an internationally oriented and privately founded recruiting and consultancy firm based in Kenya. Their committed brand slogan is ‘Guiding Companies Through Change’, with the use of the themes inherited from their branding include change, the earthly globe, human and remote interactions that construct the brand identity, as part of the fundamental signifiers of the company.

The Solution:

I have illustrated a circular icon that represents the globe with international countries and the connectivity in between the two circle forms to represent the human interactions and the fluid business relationships amongst the business partners and clients involved in the ATL Global Business structure as part of the brand’s ethos. The colours used were orange, black and white solid hues and gradient hues of a light citrus to a darker orange hue. Orange is associated with meanings of enthusiasm, creativity, success, encouragement, change, determination, stimulation, enjoyment, balance and freedom all of which the brand embodies.

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