The Brief:
To create a professional health and wellness consultancy logo.
The Idea:
Create a corporate logo design that is associated with health and nature to elude to the fact that potential customers of the product/service will be ‘Healing in a natural way’.
The Solution:
The final execution of the logo design resembles a green seedling sprouting before two spheres, one white and one brown. The two sphere’s represent two of the four sphere’s of well-being, namely physical and emotional aspects of this theory.
The sphere of physical wellbeing is to encourage clients to make smart decisions within the HR sector of the company based on responsibilities and opportunities.
The sphere of emotional wellbeing means to maintain a positive attitude, discover potential customer’s personal stress reliever and to provide the professional help to customers needed for the wellness sector of the business.
Both spheres draw reference to the logo having duality leading to the point of the business being multifaceted in wellness by product and consultancy by service.