TRACE | Rebranding

The Brief:

To rebrand logos and restructure the new concept to make them more current, simple and adapted to the digital world, however keep the Trace logo as is. – Management

The Idea:

Create futuristic logos that accentuate every aspect of the brand’s key focuses as the following, with a few additional brand idea identifies for Trace:

  1. Propose new logos for Trace Channels – choose 2 or 3 channels and propose new options. Taking into account the diversity of Trace channels and the need for each one of them to be recognisable when put on the same platform.
  2. Propose new logo for Trace Radio
    1. Create version for FM radios that should include the frequencies and cities (e.g. Trace Radio Abidjan 95.0)
    2. Create version for digital radios (e.g. Trace Radio Reggae, Trace Radio Afrobeats, Trace Radio Kitoko)
  3. Propose new logos for the corporate activities: Trace Studios, TraceAcademia, YouTrace and Trace Pro

The Solution:

The Trace brand logos’ DNA is a good representation of modern, fun with the logo showing shadow and depth indications with tonal variations and on the contrary; 2D flat versions of the logo as clean, simple and consistent use of negative space. The Trace brand logos are designed in such a way that a DNA stands out and is evidently seen as uniform across all platforms where a cohesiveness among all logos and categories of logos on all channels, radios and corporate activities are fit for both Business-to-Consumers and Business-to-Business clients. As a bonus, I have introduced a unique brand icon that can easily translate into a visual identity, giving the opportunity for the brand to expand on the brand associations and awareness for the Trace audience.

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